Inside the factory there are different machine types used in production. The machinery will be equipped with a safety guard and will not operate unless it is in the correct position. Never try to operate any machinery with a missing guard. You should identify the power supplies to the machine before operating and locate the Emergency Stop for your safety. It is expected that within your first week at Farmfresh Fine Foods you will be participating in a role on any of the machinery within the floor. There are cutting machines, roasters, wash lines, chemicals, nitrogen freezer, slippery surfaces, tight spaces, and sharp utensils in use at any one time.

It is important that you are made aware of the process that is to take place if you notice something amiss on the factory floor, be it a machine issue, something out of place and or a noise in a machine that you don’t recognise to be “normal” or any other type of issue or hazard that might arise. You are to stop that machine by using the emergency stop button, and report to your supervisor immediately.

All machine inspections are conducted by the Production Maintenance Coordinator or the Maintenance Support Team Member.

An exception to these personnel would be an external contractor or specialist.

If you come to work and notice that a machine has a do not use or a “lock out” on that machine you are not to use it. Seek information about it from the maintenance supervisor, but do not use that machine until it is cleared.

If you notice a safety hazard, you are to immediately report this to your Process Leader.  If you feel at any time that your Process Leader has not taken advice on the matter, you are to report it to the Production Manager asap.

If at any time you are instructed to use a machine, that you have not yet had training on how to operate, notify your Process Leader that you require such training before you can be posted there.